Tag Archives: fire

Teamwork disaster?

24 Oct

So I’m here with my so far expertise taste tester Virendra and his culinary buddy Carmen who is a SPC alum. Tonight we are working together to make turkey burgers. Now I’m not quite sure how much of a disaster this is going to be considering that Virendra knows how to cook and Carmen is enrolling in the HCC culinary program. I’m the least experienced :-(. Oh well, gotta start somewhere!

So here we are and we started with the sauce. Yes, a sauce. I’ve never heard of making a sauce for hamburgers that you mix with the burger mix but then again, a lot of people are surprised at my concoctions. The sauce included:
Cinnamon water
Parsely flakes
Black pepper
Virendra’s aunt’s special recipe for Pepper sauce
Grapeseed oil
Soul seasoning *don’t ask what that is because we don’t know either*

Then, we mixed the beef with the sauce, added red pepper flakes, grated oranges, put grape seed oil in a baking pan, placed cut up onions in the pan, and shaped the burgers and put them in the pan. We put the pan in a bistro oven and broiled it, letting it cook for 520-525~ degrees 6-8 min on each side. Carmen even cut up oranges and placed them on a plate in a culinary form.

Sooo this disaster ended up really being a disaster lol. It seems that when we cooked the burger on the stove in a pan with grapeseed oil, it creates a lot of smoke. When I pressed down on the burger to make sure it was cooking through, a bunch of smoke came out and the fire alarm went off. Now we changed the oil to vegetable oil spray. Now the apartment got really smokey again and the alarm went off so now we’re thinking it’s the onions.

Overall, it was a smokey mess but the product ended up being good.