Archive | July, 2012

WTF food finds of the day

8 Jul

Hey guys! It’s been a minute. Again. I know! But I’ve still been at it! Cooking wise that is. Just haven’t been sharing my experiences with you guys. I’m so stingy, I know :-/ But I’m back y’all! ::Paula D voice::

Some things have changed since I first started this blog. I’m pretty confident in my cooking skills now but I am still very hungry in a “I-want-to-learn-as-much-as-possible-about-cooking” way. I still fxck shit up but now I know that EVERYONE fxcks shit up on their journey to being able to say, “I can cook” or “I can throw down in the kitchen!” It’s all about experimentation and learning from your mistakes! And believe me, the BEST way to learn is through the mistakes you make because you’ll be so embarrassed that you’ll never forget what you did wrong! Lol.

I can now say I have signature dishes now–> whoop whoop! Never thought that would happen! lol And you know how that happened? I just started making shit! Just randomly putting different ingredients together and taking into consideration what I had in my kitchen. It’s all about mixing and matching your ingredients to produce a bangin ass dish!

Now that I think of it, cooking is kind of like fashion; piecing together the right garments and accessories to pull together an amazingly LOUD fit! Speaking of LOUD fashion, I started a fashion blog called Audio Fashion. Go Check it out! (After you finish this post of course…)

Anyways, some of my new signature dishes include:

  • Bean/corn/rice burgers
  • Stuffed cabbage
  • Baked radishes

Along with my old BANGIN signature dishes:

  • Mashed potatoes from scratch
  • Baked macaroni and cheese
  • Meatloaf

Don’t worry guys! I’ll definitely be posting the recipes to the new dishes soon.

In the mean time, let’s go over some food finds I found today that have me scratching my head and looking for answers.

  • Moroccan Meatballs
  • Chai pot
  • Tangine

Now, I am still a little confused about the moroccan meatballs. I guess it’s the spices that make it “Moroccan” and the fact they cook it in a Tangine. ……o_0

I didn’t know wtf a tangine is. At first I thought it was a fresh tomato vine or something because the recipe calls for fresh tomatoes. But no, it’s basically a pan with a funneled cover. You cook and serve the meatballs in the tangine. Seems pretty cool to me. I shall look into this.

And lastly, a chai pot? Ok, doesn’t seem like it takes a scientist to figure out that a chai pot probably cooks chai to make tea. I have never heard or seen one before though. Ummmm, I still don’t know what a chai pot is. My research is not helping me find the answer. I guess this is it?? Even so, through my search, I found this blog, Vegan Hippie Mama, which shared an interesting blog on homemade chai tea. I shall look into this also. Also through my research to find out what a chai pot is, I learned about Yixing Teapots. Apparently, these clay teapots take on the flavor of your tea and are only suppose to be used for one tea. For example, if I’m using a chai tea, I can’t make green tea in it. That’s so cool. And yet another finding; never knew how spiritual it is to make chai. Apparently, there are guidelines on How to Become a Chai Wallah.

It’s amazing how much you can indirectly find out and learn with out trying. Till next cooking disaster!