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Disaster #5 Baked Macaroni and Cheese

21 Oct

This week’s disaster was some type of disaster. Tiring at that too. It’s definitely been confirmed, side dishes usually end up taking up a lot more time than the main dish does. Atleast for me. I know it’s because I always end up putting my own spin on things and experimentation takes time. I mean, all the cooking I do is experimenting for me bring that I’ve never made any of the meals I make before but still. This is what happened, this disaster was suppose to be a side to another disaster *fried chicken*. This disaster took so long that I decided to just turn the side into a disaster by itself. Plus, I didn’t think it would be very smart to fry anything while half asleep….

To start off, this wasn’t your everyday baked macaroni I was making. You know I had to put my spin on it. So I started off by cutting up 2 potatoes into small pieces and I boiled them in water that I added salt to. It took FOREVERRRRRRRRRRR. Seriously. I hate boiling potatoes. It definitely took over a half hour. But anyways, I did that and got them to the consistency I needed them to be at. Then I drained them and put them into a separate container. Then I put in a bag of macaroni and boiled them for like a half hour. Now that I type that, that sounds like a long time. I think it worked out fine though. BTW: Last week’s taste tester, Virendra, volunteered to help me this week and offer his cooking advice when needed. Anyways, after I cooked the macaroni, I put it in a big pyrex mixing bowl. Then I took a stick of butter, a cup of whole milk, an egg, salt, pepper, a bag of shredded cheddar cheese, and red pepper flakes in a pot and melted them together. Virendra came and saw the mixture and said to add more milk because otherwise the mixture wouldn’t be enough for all the macaroni I had. So I did. I didn’t really measure how much I put in. Virendra said the milkiness would cookout anyways and just make the macaroni creamy. As I was cooking the mixture up, I started to add some cooked macaroni to it and all of the potatoes. Then I added the mixture to the rest of the macaroni. I made sure I mixed everything together and added a tad more of cheddar cheese. Then I layered the macaroni into the the mini pans in the order of macaroni mix/cheddar cheese/macaroni mix/cheddar cheese. I baked the pans for 30 min at 350/375~ degreees. Here’s Virendra’s take on the disasterous dish: